DOWNLOADS for non-uniform black string paper hep-th/0209051 :

The files below may be downloaded, and provide self-contained C++ code (main file: blackstring.c) to calculate the non-uniform black string geometries discussed in hep-th/0209051 . There is a MATLAB macro (analysis.m) in order to visualize the output of the C code, and a Mathematica sheet (calcmass.nb) to calculate the mass from the asymptotic metric of the solution (which requires some numbers calculated by the MATLAB macro). Finally, there are two Mathematica files (perturbation6d.nb and perturbation5d.nb) to calculate the 6-d and 5-d solutions in perturbation theory using Gubser's method. All the files are gzipped and tar'ed.

The principle files (blackstring.c, calcmass.nb and perturbation6.nb) contain some documentation that hopefully will enable the user to run them. The comments in these files should be read first, as commenting in the other files is sparse. Some experience with C code is probably required to run the main blackstring.c program.

If you do download these files, please do email me to let me know how you got on with them. I would very much like to know if they prove to be useful to others. Obviously if you have problems downloading them, or running them, email me and hopefully I will be able to help. My intention in making these files public is to make the implementation of the elliptic relaxation scheme discussed in hep-th/0209051 transparent.

C++ Code implementation of elliptic method Download C++ code
MATLAB macro to display and analyse output Download MATLAB macro
Mathematica sheet to calculate the mass Download Mathematica Sheet
Mathematica for 5 and 6-d perturbation theory Download Mathematica Sheets