DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.97746
I now store ariadne on
Tim Evans' figshare account.
The instructions below may be of use for later versions.
(An older version of the ariadne programme is here on this server).
ariadne is a programme written by myself which produces network models from sites, or in fact from any list of objects embedded in geographical space. It produces visualisations and some analysis of these though the data from these models can be fed into other packages for further analysis. The programme is written in JAVA so that it is multiplatform. Though developed on MS Windows machines, it will also run on Linux and Macs.
The primary model is one based on cost/benefit optimisation described in the papers of Evans, Knappett and Rivers. However we have also added various other models to the package and will continue to add others of interest.
Downloading and Installing Ariadne
java -Xmx900m -classpath ./dist/ariadnemac.jar:./dist/lib/*:. -Eariadne -fibaegean39S1L3a
java -Xmx900m -classpath ./dist/ariadnemac.jar:./dist/lib/jung-1.7.6.jar:./dist/lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar:./dist/lib/colt.jar:. -Eariadne -fibaegean39S1L3a
You also need to download the jre executable too. This sets up a JAVA run time environment (JRE) which runs the JAVA programming language. You may already have one. Look in the control panel (start button then control panel) for the JAVA entry. Click on that. The java tab and then the view button on the application section should give you a list of versions installed. Look for the latest one, something like 1.6.0_21 (on 26th May 2011). The update tab will allow you to get the latest version automatically. You can download the jre directly from Oracle.
To test the programme click on the c:\ariadne\ariadne.bat file. In the input window just click on the calculate button and see if you get a network based on the test file testsimple_svpdist.dat
If a black window flashes up and then disappears, then it probably can not find the location of some of the programmes. These locations are listed in the file ariadne.bat. To look at this file open it in notepad (you can do this by going to start button, run then type notepad and enter or you will find it under the start button -> programs -> accessories) or similar text editor. Then look at the following:
If this does not work you may need to find the jre by hand.
Search for java.exe. It should be in something like
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.6.0_17\bin
(or on Windows XP C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05\bin)
You will need to change three lines in ariadne.bat
Open your favourite way of looking for files, e.g. explorer or My Computer. Got to the C: drive and look for the directory ariadne. In that directory click on the file c:\ariadne\ariadne.bat
file. Note that the .bat ending may be hidden from you so look for a file called ariadne or ariadne.bat
with an icon such as . Alternatively do a search (press the start button then look for search) for the file ariadne.bat starting at the top level C:\.
A black window similar to should appear. This is a command window. It displays various information, all of which is available in other files, so you can ignore it but don't kill it! The programme is running from this window. You can also use it to see if the programme has crashed as you should see occasional new lines or characters appear in this window when the programme is running normally. If you want more information on command windows see the section on Command Window Hints
A second small window is then produced. This is the Input File Name Window and looks like . Type in the start of the name of the input file. That is the input files are all of the form
inroot_input.dat and it is the inroot stem of the file name which you should type in this window. These files must be in the ariadne directory unless you add extra directory information (use forward slashes to separate directories not backwards slashes here e.g. data/special will read in the file special_input.dat from the subdirectory data of the ariadne directory. You may also type a number into the jiggle scale box. This moves the sites randomly by the fraction given of the default distance scale (probably 100). Thus enter 0.05 and you get a random 5% shift in site positions. Enter 0 or less and nothing is done. When you have finished typing, press the read button to have the data read from the file. For more information on input files see the section below.
If the data is read in OK a message box to this effect appears, . The command window has more information about what data was read in to the programme. Hit the OK button.
The next box to appear it the Inputs window which looks like
. Note it may obscure the input file name window which is hiding underneath. You may move and even kill this Inputs window at any time. This box allows you to change any variable other than the input file name, and then calculate or redraw the network output window. Set values as you desire (see the Options section below for further details. Press the CALCULATE button and a new network is calculated with all the details given. Press REDRAW and the last network calculated is redrawn. In this latter case changes to parameters which alter the drawing (e.g. minimum colour fraction) are used but those parameters which effect the network (e.g. mu) are not altered. Is used to see the same network in different views without redrawing the network. Try changing the zero and minimum colour fraction to see the effect.
Finally two output windows appear, one for the whole network, one for site data. It includes displays of the rank of sites as calculated by the diffusion method.
For example the one showing information on the sites looks like
and one showing the network is
Note that there are various ways of changing these displays. All the items labelled display alter the look but not the results. Changing these variables and hitting the REDRAW button will produce new displays according to the new display settings but will not recalculate the results.
I have included an experimental influence calculation. In the text files in the output directory are infile_inflmat.dat files which record the estimated influence every site has on every other site. There is a parameter Influence Probability, p, which should be between 0 and 1. At zero, no one influences any of their neighbours. At 0.5 a site will influence mostly their nearest neighbours, 0.667 neighbours up to two steps away, 0.75 three steps away etc. Its a bit like the angle of the cone in the tent models of dominance used by Renfrew etc. The full matrix of everyone's influence on everyone else is hard to display. In one simple view of the network (by influence), every site i is labelled by the colour of the site whose influence is greatest at that site. As p increases the map becomes uniform as one site dominates all others. It satisfies my sense of world domination.
In the input window fill change any variables you wish. A brief explanation is given below. To calculate based on these values click on the calculate button. Wait (up to a minute for model 3). At the moment the only input files are those infile_input in the main directory. To select these as inputs you only type the stem of the name, that is infile.
You can make a copy of any window (not just the ariadne ones) produced by any programme in the Windows operating system. It makes a bitmap copy, that is one that can not be scaled without the . The
This is the old way of running the programme. It can also be used to generate geometric input files of various types. After the programme has been installed, a one time procedure, every time you want to set up a new session where you run the programme many times, you need to start by setting up a proper window in which this is done.
The programme is run by using the command line. On Windows 2000 and XP systems this is reached by clicking on the start button (usually bottom left), selecting the run option, and typing cmd in the box that comes up. This produces a black box called the command window.
Finally you need to move to the right hard disk and directory within this command window. Type in the command window c: then press enter to change to the disk drive where the programme and all its output files will be, c:. This is followed by typing cd \ariadne\ followed by enter. The cd command changes the directory to the one where all the files are kept. If you are looking for any files using other methods (the graphical approaches such as my computer or explorer) look on the c: drive and then in the directory cd \ariadne\.
For general hints on using the command window see the section on Command Window Hints.
The options noted below can be set for the most part both in the input windows that ariadne produces by default, or from the command line.
To use the command line, the form is is
For instance the option for setting the mu parameter is m and a valid way to do this is -m0.3 which sets mu to be 0.3. Leaving any spaces produces errors. For instance - m0.3 and -m 0.3 will both produce funny error messages.
Each option must be separated from other options by one or more spaces. The kappa parameter is set by the k option so -k1.6 sets kappa to be 1.6. If we are setting mu as above then we would type ariadne -m0.3 -k1.6 or even ariadne -m0.3 -k1.6. If you tried ariadne-m0.3 -k1.6 or ariadne -m0.3-k1.6 funny errors will be produced. The order of the options does not matter though they are processed starting with the one on the left and working through the list so ariadne -k1.6 -m0.3 works just as well.
Those not available in the command line as yet are indicated by a -!!!.
Window Entry |
C.L. Option | Description |
Input File Name Root | -fiinroot | Sets the root or stem of the input file name. Thus the programme will look for the file inroot_input.dat to set the names, coordinates and distances between the sites. See input files for more details.
Default value aegean |
Output File Name Root | -fooutroot | Sets the root or stem of the output files. Unless set to AUTO the programme will produce files such as See output files for more details of output files produced. When the output stem is AUTO then automatic output file names are used, built from the input file name stem followed by parameter values.
Default value AUTO |
Automatic Output File Name | -fa | Sends output files to directory output with the names of the output files given by the input
file name root followed by the run name and the values of the parameters.
Default value ON |
Run Name | -frrunname | Sets the ending of the output files. Use to distinguish runs with identical input values.
Default value r0 |
Model Number | -vj.n | This sets the model number to be j.n, that is major model type j variation, minor model type n. The latter has no effect if it has not been defined for major model type j. Model numbers have no effect in PPA mode.
Default value 1.3. |
PPA Mode MC Mode |
-unnn | If nnn is 1 then you get a standard Monte Carlo update. If nnn is zero then you get a PPA style update. For more details on PPA mode see below. Default value 1.0. |
Maximum Edge Value | -errr | If the number rrr is zero or less then edges are set to be one or zero (on or off) only. If positive then each edge (e_ij variables) can take any value from 0 to rrr. If negative then the sum of edges coming out of a site (the out strength of that edge) must be between 0 and -rrr
Default value 5.0. |
Max Vertex Value | -xrrr | This is the maximum value a site can acquire. Remember the scale of each site is set by its size so this is really a fraction of the site size and can be larger than 1.0. That is you may allow sites to become bigger than their local resources really allow..
Default value 1.0. |
j | -jrrr | Value of parameter j is set to be the number rrr, which controls the total population (total site size). Default value 0.0. |
mu | -mrrr | Value of parameter mu is set to be the number rrr, which controls the total population (total site size). Default value 0.0. |
kappa | -krrr | Value of parameter kappa is set to be the number rrr. This controls the benefit or loss of increasing the population of any one site. Default value 1.0. |
lambda | -lrrr | Value of parameter lambda is set to be the number rrr. This controls the benefit or loss of increasing the number or weight (importance) of links between two sites. Default value 1.0. |
Distance Scale | -dlrrr | Value of parameter d_long, the long distance scale, is set to be the number rrr. This controls the distance beyond which the benefit of having links between two sites is heavily penalised. This is done in whatever units were used for distances in the input file. Default value 100.0. |
Short Distance Scale | -dsrrr | Value of parameter d_{short}, the short distance scale, is set to be the number rrr. This controls the short distance behaviour below which the benefit of having links between two sites is heavily penalised. This is done in whatever units were used for distances in the input file. Default value 5.0. |
Distance Metric | -dmrrr | Sets metric to be used for Dijkstra calculations. 0: plain distance; 1: sum of individual distance/potential using edge values; 2: inverse edge value; 3: sum of individual distance/potential using edge weights; 4: inverse edge weight. Default value 0.0. |
b | -bsrrr | Sets the b parameter. This is used as a power in some interactions terms in some of the models (e.g. 5)
Default value 1.2. |
beta | -btrrr | Sets the beta parameter. In Monte Carlo mode sets the initial inverse temperature to be rrr. The lower the value the more random the initial start but the slower the equilibrium for the network is found.
On the other hand in PPA mode rrr is the number of edges per site (currently rounded to nearest integer). For more details on PPA mode see below. Default value 1.0. |
infolevel | -innn | Sets the information level, an integer which the higher it is the more information the programme will produce. However any value above 0 produces information useful only for debugging the programme. Default value 1.0. |
alpha | -arrr | Sets alpha, a parameter which sets the power of the fall off over short distances (< d_s ) in the potential V used to decide the strength of interactions. Default value 4.0. |
gamma | -grrr | Sets gamma, a parameter which sets the power of the fall off over short distances (< d_s ) in the potential V used to decide the strength of interactions. Default value 1.0. |
outputMode | -oiii | Binary bits control which output files are produced with 0 (1) off (on). 128=Distance Files. Default value 255. |
updateMode | -uiii | Sets the update mode for network: 0 PPA; 1 Monte Carlo. Default value 1. |
Window Mode | -wa | -wn sets no window mode while -wy sets windows on, default value y. |
Display Maximum Site Size | The size of circle used for the largest site in the network diagram. Change it if they are too big or small. Default value 20. |
Display Maximum Edge Width | -De | The largest width of edges used for the largest edge values in the network. Change it if they are too big or small. Default value . |
Display Fraction for Zero Colour | -Dzrrr | Anything below this fraction of the maximum (as defined by values above) is displayed as having zero value, i.e.\ is switched off. Use to hide weak links.
Default value 0.0. |
Display Fraction for Minimum Colour | -Dnrrr | Anything below this fraction of the maximum (as defined by values above) is displayed as having value one, i.e.\ is switched to the colour used for the weakest non-zero links. Use to down play weak links but to leave the visible. Default value 0.1. |
Display Max. Vertex Scale |
-Dvsrrr | Sets the site weight (size times value, s[i]v[i]) which is to corresponds to the maximum on the display scale. If set to zero the largest site weight is used to set this scale and so a relative site size is displayed. Default value 20. |
Display Vertex Type |
-Dvtrrr | Displayed site sizes reflect different measures: 0 fro size, 1 for rank. Default value 0. |
Display Max. Edge Scale |
-Derrr | Sets the edge weight (edge value and source site weight, s[i]v[i]e[i][j]) which is to corresponds to the maximum on the display scale (absolute scale). If set to zero the largest edge weight is used and so a relative edge size is displayed. Default value 10. |
Display Influence Prob. |
Probability used to diffuse influence on the network. On average this will diffuse p/(1-p) links of the network for probability p. Values around 0.5 (one step) 0.66 (two steps) and 0.75 (three steps) should be useful.
Default value 0.5. |
Display Network Vertex Type |
On the Network Display, sites can be displayed by circles whose size relates to the weight (total population, v*S) of the site, the rank of the site, or in terms of influence. Each site takes the colour of the site whose influence dominates, which may be itself.
Default value Size |
Display Site Window Display |
On the Site Display, the information can be in one of three orders, alphabetical, by largest rank or by largest weight (total population, v*S).
Default value Alpha |
Generate Number of Sites |
-Zn | Generates network of n sites if n>0.
Default value 0 |
Generate Type of Input File |
-Zt | Generates input file for network of type t where t is
4: circle, 3: 1D torus, 2: line, 1: 2D torus 0: 2D lattice. Default value 0 |
--- Running aegean from runaegean.bat ............................................................................... Ariadne, iNVERSION iN081212 usage: aegean <options> where options are -<char><value> separated by space as follows -a<alpha> Sets alpha, short distance power in edge potential, default 4.0 -bs<b> Sets b, power used for site terms, default 1.2 -bt<beta> Sets beta, inverse temperature, default 0.0010 Also number of edges per site in PPA mode -cc<culturePCopy> probability that will copy culture of neighbour, default 0.45 -cc<culturePSiteCopy> probability that will copy culture within site, default 0.45 -cc<culturePInnovate> probability that will innovate new culture keeping existing culture, default 0.05 -cc<cultureTimeScale> time scale in units of tau_2, default 10000.0 -dl<distanceScale> Sets distance scale, 100.0 -dm<metricNumber> Sets metric for Dijkstra calculations, default 5.0 -ds<shortdistanceScale> Sets short distance scale, default 5.0 -e<edgeMode> Sets edge max edge value or binary (0 or 1) if 0, Negative indicates maximum strength, default -1.0 -fa Sets the output file name to AUTO, i.e. automatic format as noted above default aegean34S1L3 -fij<jiggleScale> Sets scale to jiggle input site locations, default 0.0 -fi?<string> Sets input file names and directories where ? given below -foa Sets filename to automatic based on parameters, default true -foA No automatic file name -fo?<string> Sets input file names and directories where ? given below ? is a character taken from:- 'r' = root directory path 's' = sub directory name (relative to root) 'b' = basic root of file names (no '_') 'p' = parameter string (will have '_' at start added when needed) 'n' = sequence or run number (integer) 't' = terminating or ending string (no '_r' allowed) 'e' = extension (no '.' allowed) -g<gamma> Sets gamma, short distance power in edge potential, default 1.0 -i<message.getInformationLevel()> Sets information level, 0 lowest, default 0 -j<j> Sets j, sum over all vertex weights, default 0.0 -k<kappa> Sets kappa, coefficient of vertex potential, default 4.0 -l<lambda> Sets lambda, coefficient of edge potential, default 4.0 -m<mu> Sets mu, sum over all edge weights, default 0.5 -o<outputMode> Sets output mode by bits 1 (0)= on (off):, default 15 1 = general information (info) 2 = pajek files (pajek) 4 = edges as vector (elist) 8 = edges as matrix (ematrix) 16 = gene separation (gsep) 32 = ariadne network file (anf) 64 = Google Earth KML network file (KML) -u<updateMode> Sets update mode: PPA 0, MC 1, DP 2, VP 3. Default IslandNetworks.UpdateMode@ee7a14 -v<modelNumber> Sets model number to use, default 1_3 -w[y|n] Sets window mode on -wy or off -wn, default true -xv<vertexMaximum> Sets vertices to have a maximum value -xw<constantWeight> Sets total weight of vertices to be constant Vertex mode and value defaults are Maximum Vertex Value , value=5.0 -Cc MC calculation is started from a cold start -Ch MC calculation is started from a hot start, default HOT -Des<DisplayMaxEdgeScale> Sets size of edge weight (s[i]v[i]e[i][j]) for maximum colour in display (absolute), if 0 then largest value actual value used (relative), default 1.0 -Det<DisplayEdgeType> Sets type of edge displayed, 0 size, 1 rank 0 = value 1 = weight 2 = potential1 3 = geneCorrelation 4 = separation 5 = correlation default value -Dn<minColourFrac> Sets fraction of largest colour which is to be represented as colour value 1 (next to minimum), default 0.1 -Dvt<DisplayVertexType> Sets type of vertex displayed, 0 = Weight 1 = Rank 2 = Influence 3 = Strength 4 = Nothing default Weight -Dvs<DisplayMaxVertexScale> Sets size of vertex weight (s[i]v[i]) for maximum colour in display (absolute), if 0 then largest value actual value used (relative), default 1.0 -Dx<visualisationWidth> Sets preferred width for windows in pixels, default 760 -Dy<visualisationHeight> Sets preferred height for windows in pixels, default 760 -Dz<zeroColourFrac> Sets fraction of largest colour which is to be represented as zero colour, default 0.03 -E<String> sets operational mode to be that of given name, default Ariadne Options are: Ariadne, MultipleAnalysis, Analysis, NetworkGenerator. -Zn<n> Generates network of n sites -Zt<t> Generates network of type t Type 0:lattice Type 1:torus2D Type 2:line Type 3:torus1D Type 4:circle -??? This usage screen. Also try ariadne.html for help. ...............................................................................
As of 17-12-08, the distance metrics are as follows:-
The input files are infile_input. The first few lines contain information, each line starts with a keyword then is followed by the data per site in order. They are separated by white space (spaces, tabs, etc.). Best to use Excel to do this and to save it as tab separated text file but make sure it has the ..._input file name ending. These lines may be in any order.
The files which are provided are as follows
The format of the infile_input.dat files are as follows. Each entry is separated by white space (tab or spaces). Thus no entry must contain a space. Any spaces in names must be replaced by minus signs or underline characters, or similar. For instance A_Triadha, P-kastro, A.Triadha are all acceptable but A. Triadha is not. This file can be read into excel for a simple way to view and edit it. You should save it as a tab separated text file and make sure the file name ends in SL_svpdist.dat
First line is Name followed by a list of names of the sites in order, so site 1 is first, site 2 is second.
Second line is Value followed by the value of the sites in order. These are the fixed 'sizes' of the sites.
Third and fourth lines are the X and Y coordinates of the sites respectively, starting with XPos or YPos and then followed by a list of the relevant coordinates in order. Any units can be used.
Now this is all that is present in a infile_site.dat file. The distances will then be calculated from the positions given. In this case the units of the distances are those used for the positions. However there are two other types of file with further data.
For infile_svpdist.dat and infile_sitepen.dat files, each remaining line starts with the name of the site (must be in the same order as line 1) followed by a list of distances (infile_svpdist.dat) or penalties (infile_sitepen.dat ) to the other sites.
Note that the units for distances in infile_svpdist.dat can be anything but remember to set the distance scale d_s, the -s option, in these units too. The distance need have nothing to do with the coordinates so for instance one can add penalties by making some links longer than their real world distance to reflect additional difficulties for some routes. Further the distance between sites need nt be symmetric, so one can have the return journey being 'longer' (i.e. harder) if one wishes.
On the other hand the distances in infile_sitepen.dat are calculated from the coordinates so set the distance scale d_s, the -s option, in these units too. However they are then multiplied by a modification factor, the penalty factors read in from the fifth line and beyond. So one can specify a penalties to make some links longer than their real world distance to reflect additional difficulties in that routes, e.g a 3x factor for a land trip. Further the penalties between sites need not be symmetric, so one can have the return journey harder if one wishes.
Example In the following example of a infile_input.dat type file there are three sites, all of equal strength.
# This is a comment line Name A B C Size 1 1 1 XPos 0.1 0.2 0.3 Ypos 0.5 0.4 0.3 *Distances A 0 2 3 B 2 0 6 C 3 6 0
The files produced, given the output file name stem outfile (set using a -fooutfile option) are as follows:
outfile_info.dat | Simple text file shoing basic information on input and output parameters. |
outfileBareNet.dat | Simple text file suitable for reading into MAPLE. The first line starts with a # character and is treated as a comment by MAPLE. Line 2 has the number of sites and line 3 has the site values in order (site 1 first). After that line number (3+j) has the values of the edges from site j to sites i in order (site i=1 first column). |
outfile_edgevalues.dat | Simple text file containing edge values (e_{ij}). |
outfile_colour.dat | Simple text file containing the colour of sites and edges values. |
outfile_dijkdist.dat | Simple text file containing the 'distances' between edges as used in the Dijkstra shortest distance algorithm (distance[i][j]). Note that distances are not always defined in terms of the as-the-crow-flies distances or the d_{ij} input distances. In some models a modified distance may be used, e.g. only following links present in the network - a network or island hopping type distance. More complicated definitions may also be used. | | pajek format file using Greyscale scheme. Read this into pajek for further analysis or to produce postscript of bitmap (bmp) files of network. | | pajek format file using coloured output. Read this into pajek for further analysis or to produce postscript of bitmap (bmp) files of network. |
outfile_transmat.dat | Transfer Matrix used for calculating the rank of sites. Simple text suitable for Maple or Excel. |
outfile_inflmat.dat | Influence Matrix used for calculating the influence of one site at another. Simple text suitable for Maple or Excel. |
outfile_type.clu | Various integer output values suitable for use as a partition in pajek e.g. can be used to colour vertices in pajek displays. |
outfile_type.vec | Various floating point output values suitable for use as a vector in pajek e.g. can be used to give the size of vertices in pajek displays. |
See Interactions In Space For Archaeological Models (Evans, Rivers and Knappett) for more information on these models and for a comparison [arXiv:1102.0251].
In this mode the code is run using a Monte Carlo method. A Hamiltonian or cost function, is provided, that is a formula which tells you the energy or cost of a given network, a given set of site sizes and interactions. The lowest energy or cost of the system is found (approximately) by using Monte Carlo. Basically we imagine the system is at high temperature (low beta parameter) so that it is constantly changing like water in kettle at boiling point. Values of sites or edges are changed randomly, but we always keep changes which reduce the energy and only sometimes keep those which raise the energy. The temperature is lowered slowly, the chance of keeping random changes which increase the energy of the system gets less and less. Eventually when the number of changes made falls below some predetermined amount (say 1% of changes are kept), we stop. We assume that the final configuration is a reasonable approximation to the lowest energy state.
This is a slight adaptation of the Proximal Point Analysis of Broodbank (see page 80). In this mode we add a total of beta links (the -b parameter rounded to nearest integer) from each site to its nearest beta neighbour. However we retain the directionality of the links and we are able to add implicit penalties to certain types of link through the distance matrix. The edges are given weights (colours, thickness of edges) with the shortest from each site given the highest value, next shortest the next highest value etc.
Use VP mode instead. Edges between sites i and j are given weight based on (1/V(d_ij)).
Edges between sites i and j are given weight based on V(d_ij/D) where V(1)=0.5 and D is the Distance Scale. Use this give a model in which the edges are present if the separation of sites is less than a critical distance.
Simple Gravity Model.
Doubly constrained gravity model.
Rhill and Wilson Gravity Model.
For full details of models see the detailed discussions in other documents. Only effects the Monte Carlo mode calculations. The model number is given as j.n which indicates that this is major model type j variation, minor model type n. The latter has no effect if it has not been defined for major model type j.
Basic model. Uses the bare distances between sites provided from the input files (d_{ij}). All sites can be connected to any other. Suitable for continuous edge values or for binary edge values (edges are on or off). See minor models below.
Uncertain if this is working at the moment.
Similar to basic model but uses the network distances between sites. The minor model number has several uses here to select different variants of the model. Thus this takes longer to run .
Uncertain if this is working at the moment.
Has non-integer powers in Hamiltonian set by b parameter. Working.
If site i is the source, j the target then:
Technically if the lowest bit of the minor model number is 1 (0) it sets the source term in the trade term to be the weight (size*value) of the source site (to be equal to one). If the second lowest bit of the minor model number is 1 (0) it sets the target term in the trade term to be the weight (size*value) of the source site (to be equal to one).
This only effects major model 3. If the minor model number is 0 or 1 then the distance fed in from the input files is used to calculate distances in the trade term. Edges with exactly zero edge weights are not used and distances are then these input distances along edges. These models are designed for binary edge values (edges are on or off) so set "Maximum Edge Value" to be 0 (command line option -e0).
However if the minor model number is 2 or 3 then the distance between sites is the 'real' distance from the input files divided by the same distance potential used in the trade term.
Technically if the third lowest bit of the minor model number is 1 (0) it chooses network distances (normal real distances).
Models 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3: Major Model 1 should be run in MC mode, with minor models 1,2 and 3 as variations. Designed for continuous edge values (max edge value 1.0 or similar) but can be run in binary edge mode (maximum edge value 0.0).
Models 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.5,3.6,3.7: Major Model 3 should be run in MC mode, with minor models 1,2 and 3 as variations. Models 3.1 and 3.2 are asymmetric, 3.2 is gravity and 3.0 is symmetric but no site weighting in the trade term. These are designed for binary edge values only (max edge value 0.0) as these use the pure distances along network paths between sites to set the overall distance fed into the potential in the trade term. Models 3.7 (gravity) and 3.5, 3.6 (asymmetric) also use network paths but combine the potentials from each leg of the path to give the overall potential. They can be run in binary edge mode (maximum edge value 0.0) or continuous edge mode.
There are various things you can do with the command window.
If you maximise this box (click on the symbol to the left of the X symbol in the top right hand corner) then the command window will run from the top to the bottom of the screen but will not get any wider so you can see more results and you can still see other windows.
If you press the up or down cursor keys you can recall previous commands you typed in.
Any command you type or recall can be edited. Move the cursor using the left and right cursor keys and then type. There are two modes: one where you type over the existing letters, one where you insert new characters. The toggle between these modes by pressing the insert key (sometimes labelled ins).
Screen shot of MC (Monte Carlo) mode, 1st June 2005, using aegeanSL - 19 site data with sea/land adjustment
Screen shot of PPA mode, 1st June 2005, using aegeanSL - 19 site data with sea/land adjustment