Home Pages
Netplexity Tim Evans Informal Home Page Tim Evans Imperial College page

My primary informal site is now netplexity.org which contains the descriptive material and my blog.
Code, papers and talks are still stored here.


There is a wealth of data on academic publications, going back 100 years or more, and this is now held electronically. Some is freely available, some is not but access can be purchased. There is great commercial interest in the analysis of this data too, as it represents an important output from academics and a marker of the research and innovation process. Bibliometrics is therefore an ideal area for the application of ideas from Complexity and Networks.

My Bibliometric Work

I am interested in this data at various levels. It poses interesting questions in terms of theoretical graph analysis. The data is of real personal and commercial interest in that this is now used to look at the performance of researchers or researcher units such as Universities. Thus any ideas can be tested and then applied in the real world. This data can be seen as the best documented footprint of innovation processes in the human society so there are broad and fascinating social science questions which might be studied. This interest overlaps with many aspects of my other work.