the number of points you get= (the number of points the team got) * (the number of shares you own in the team) / (the total number of shares in the team)
Name Institution Nationality XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX |
An example of an entry email: |
Paul Dirac Cambridge English ARG ARG BRA BRA ENG ESP ESP SUI SUI SUI |
Code Name FIFA Ranking |
RUS Russia 70 KSA Saudi Arabia 67 EGY Egypt 45 URU Uruguay 14 POR Portugal 4 ESP Spain 10 MAR Morocco 41 IRN Iran 37 FRA France 7 AUS Australia 36 PER Peru 11 DEN Denmark 12 ARG Argentina 5 ISL Iceland 22 CRO Croatia 20 NGA Nigeria 48 BRA Brazil 2 SUI Switzerland 6 CRC Costa Rica 23 SRB Serbia 34 GER Germany 1 MEX Mexico 15 SWE Sweden 24 KOR South Korea 57 BEL Belgium 3 PAN Panama 55 TUN Tunisia 21 ENG England 12 POL Poland 8 SEN Senegal 27 COL Colombia 16 JPN Japan 61 |
World Cup 2002 | Rob Crittenden |
Euro 2004 | Peter Johansson |
World Cup 2006 | Gianpaolo Procopio |
Euro 2008 | Benoit Vicedo |
World Cup 2010 | Adam Amara |
Euro 2012 | Adam Christopherson |
World Cup 2014 | James Fergusson |
Euro 2016 | Adam Ritz |